The term "Website" refers to all of's pages.
When you use any of the Website's content or services, you automatically agree to all the terms stated in the following user agreement. This signifies you have read, comprehended, and agreed to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the agreement. By using Website, you indicate that you accept to be bound by these rules and guidelines, therefore please read and comprehend our following agreement before using Website.
To put it simply, by using this website, you agree to accept and abide by the whole user agreement.
It is possible that not all the provisions in the following agreement will be acceptable to you for whatever reason. If you are not happy with any of the terms, please do not use any of the services provided by Website. I feel it is critical to follow the rules and standards that serve to establish a secure and comfortable environment for all the site users who accept the rules.
If you choose not to accept this agreement, I respect your decision and hope you may find the services you require elsewhere.
The term "Software" refers to any software that is offered as an online tool or that may be downloaded from the Website, including but not limited to ZIP packages and executable files.
You may use any Software for non-commercial purposes.
Unless otherwise specified in the separate terms of use that come with the specific Software, you may use Software for commercial purposes.
The Software's special terms of use, if any, will be explicitly stated on its page.
You may not sell any content from Website in its pure or modified form.
It is not permitted to publish any content from a Website pages elsewhere unless it is explicitly authorized on particular page in a certain way.
For example, on a certain page of a certain online tool, you may literally be advised to utilize iframe technology in order to render that tool from a page of the other website.
You are then free to render suggested material on another website using an iframe.
In all other cases, if you wish to offer your website visitors any services from this site, simply provide a direct link to the appropriate Website page.
Since you may not republish content from this site, attribution does not apply.
In case if you render any Website online tool in an iframe on another website, then the proposed tool interface will already contain the required attribution by default. This can be the logo of, or a simple link to this site embedded in the interface of the tool itself. The only requirement in this case is not to change the original tool interface in order to remove the embedded attribution.
As an exception, if for any reason you really need to change the user interface of the tool, you can remove the embedded attribution from the tool's user interface. But in this scenario, anywhere near the Website tool you use, you should offer a prominent "do-follow" hyperlink, citing Website as the creator.
Please use contacts to get all relevant questions answered if any conditions of use are unclear to you, or you have an edge situation that isn't yet addressed by these terms.