Privacy Policy


The (referred to as "Website" in this policy) does not directly collect any personal data from its users. Instead, it makes use of third-party services from Google. These are Google Analytics and Google AdSense, which are used to improve the content and keep this Website running, which is ultimately beneficial to the end user (you).

In turn, these services may gather statistically required information about your visit to the Website in order to operate efficiently.

Since the Website does not collect any data about visitors directly, this Privacy Policy is meaningful and applies exclusively to data collected and processed by Google Analytics and Google AdSense.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that helps webmaster (me) to analyze how visitors (you) interact with their Website, monitoring what's good and what needs to be improved across different pages. It may collect a variety of data types for these reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Browser type and version
  • Pages visited on our site
  • Time and date of visit
  • Time spent on each page
  • Referring site details (if applicable)
  • Demographic information (if available)

This data allows Google Analytics to construct a full picture of Website traffic, measure user engagement, and obtain information about Website performance, providing the webmaster with a complete view of what is going on with their Website. The Google Analytics is a webmaster's eyes in the digital world of the Internet.

Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for more information on how they handle this data.

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is an advertising service that displays ads to all Website visitors. The concept is very simple. If a visitor likes the product advertised on the banner, he clicks on it and is directed to the advertiser's website, where the product may be purchased. In turn, the AdSense system counts this and invoices the advertiser for this action. AdSense then receives payment from the advertiser. It retains a portion of the payment as a service fee, and the rest is paid by the Website's webmaster. This way, the webmaster gets the revenue he needs to cover his hosting and development bills. If a Google Analytics is a webmaster's eyes, then Google AdSense is a webmaster's financial lifeline.

To guarantee that a visitor to the Website is not given a random ad from another country, language, etc., but rather a banner with a product that the user may potentially require, Google AdSense may collect different kinds of data for these purposes, including, but not limited to:

  • Cookies and similar tracking technologies to display personalized ads
  • Browser type and version
  • Browsing behavior and interests
  • Demographic information (if available)

As you may have guessed, Google AdSense uses this information to show relevant adverts to Website visitors.

Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for more information on how they handle this data.

Cookie Policy

Browser cookies may be used by the above-mentioned Google services. Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your device and used to personalize your experience. In fact, you may adjust your browser's cookie settings to your liking.

Please refer to Google's Cookie Policy for more information on how they handle this data.

Your Consent

By using the Website, you agree to the collecting and processing of your information as indicated in this Privacy Policy.

Updates to the Policy

This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time to reflect any relevant changes. If you want to be aware of the most up-to-date information about the user data used on the Website, please visit this page regularly.

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact me.